The Bell Family

The Bell Family

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

What do I want to be when I grow up?

People ask children that question and smile when they say, "a garbage man," or "a coke delivery man" or something equally as amusing to us as adults.  I don't know about you, but I need that garbage man and I need that Dr. Pepper delivery man.  I've been thinking on how we view others and the job they have chosen to do.

Respectable job?  Preacher? Dentist? Educator? Nurse?

Disrespectable job?  Trash man?  Plumber?  Dog catcher?

There are no jobs that should be disrespected.  I respect people who are willing to take any job at any pay to help raise their family.  The college student working at McDonald's?  Good for them for helping pay for their education.  The single mother working as a waitress at Pizza Inn?  Good for her for taking control of her own life and teaching her kids direction and responsibility. 

What are we really teaching our kids about acceptance of others?  Jordan came in a couple of weeks ago and announced that he wants to drop out of college and become a fireman.  "What?" Terry and I asked.  Jordan repeated what he had said.  It was really weird what happened next.  For the next two weeks everywhere we turned there was something about firemen.  Was this a sign? 

We finally told him to pray and do what he feels God is leading him to do.  Will some people look down on him because he didn't finish college?  Probably.  Will people think that he couldn't hack it so he took a "lower" job?  Probably.  But you know what--Those people can call a college graduate when their house catches fire or when they have a wreck.  I want him to be happy.  And I want him to want to go to work everyday because he loves it. 

What will happen?  I'm not sure right now.  We have turned it over to the Lord and we're looking into options.  Whatever Jordan chooses is Jordan's choice. 

When you see the waitress at a restaurant or a garbage man, tell them thank you.  Maybe they are doing what they love to do and someone has to do those jobs.  If you don't like your job, talk to God.  Maybe He has other plans for you.  God called us to be loving servants.  If you can't do it with a smile, maybe you don't need to be doing it.

Reflect on your life and your life's choices.  When God has a will, God has a way.

Have a great week!


I Just Don't Get It

People annoy me!

That's right.  People annoy me.  They seem to have no moral fiber.  We are told to love the unloved, feed the hungry, pray for the sick, etc.  But people annoy me.  They want me to give and give while they take and take and then ask for more.

I had a friend (you'll notice the HAD) who I thought was a friend.  We spent hours together.  We solved the world's problems, shared our own problems, went to church, laughed and cried together, drank coffee together and did all the things friends do until...

I'm not sure what happened.  One day we weren't friends anymore.  And I mean it happened in one day.  I was angry.  I was just plain ole mad.  I was hurt.  And I just didn't understand until...

I started to reflect on our friendship of 5 years.  I was always the one who she called when she didn't have any money and needed something.  I was the one she called when she needed to run an errand and didn't have gas.  I was the one she called when she was sitting in the floor and really wanted her house clean, but couldn't because of something.  I was the one she called when noone else would answer-you're getting the picture, right?  Then I really got mad!

Looking back, things weren't always that great.  I did notice that while she wanted me to be "her friend" she had lots of others who were just like her.  I was the odd one out.  I didn't live the lifestyle she did...nothing off the wall, just not always a Christian way.  I tried--that's what we Christians do.  I would text every once in a while and get no response and then I would call and leave these cute messages with no response.  I did this until...

I gave up.  No more for me...I'm done. 

In Proverbs it teaches us about a fool and a wise man.  I want to be the wise one.  But I'm done.  I don't wish bad will for her.  I don't have any feelings for her anymore.  I just want to learn from this and move on. 

What I learned:

God knows what we need and when we need it.
I am not a doormat and nobody will wipe their feet on me.
When God takes someone from you He gives you someone else.
Sometimes you just have to call it quits.

I know I'm not the only one that this has happened to and I know we all deal with things differently.  I pray for her and her family.  I pray for myself that whatever happened I will learn from it and I pray for others who have lost friends for whatever reason. 

Learn, live and pray.  Life is too short to be stuck in a going nowhere friendship.  After all, if you aren't going forward, you're moving backward.

Have a great day!  Hug your kids and your husbands...they love you!


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Death-Sadness or Happiness

One of my co-workers' mother-in-law recently went to the ER on a Friday.  We prayed vigilantly for her speedy recovery.  She had baked a pie with one of her granddaughters that morning but suddenly went numb from her waist down.  The doctors assured the family that it was blood clots in her abdomen and legs and they tried to get rid of them through various procedures.  We continued to get text updates but it seemed as one medical problem was taken care of there was a crises taking place somewhere else in her body.  On Tuesday we got the text saying Ms. Pat was going to meet Jesus but to remember the family.  The family was in shock and we were in shock, as well.

I listened to people talk about Ms. Pat and all the things she had done through the years.  She was famous for baking something for someone, dropping it off with a note of enCOURAGEment (apparently Ms. Pat was also famous for capitalizing parts of words to get her point across) and praying.  The stories were endless.  She had done so many good things for people and now she had been taken.  Sad?  Sure.  Happy?  Extremely.  She had done what we here on earth couldn't---She was in the presence of our God and Saviour. 

Her funeral was one of wonderful stories and many tears.  I sat with my co-workers and cried, wondering why this funeral seemed so hard.  They did sing the Untitled Hymn, which we had played a video of Taylor dancing to at my Mamaw's funeral.  This brought on the tears, thinking of Taylor dancing to the beautiful arrangement.  But I barely knew this woman.  What was so moving?

Our life here is so fleeting.  We must make hay while the sun shines-with our spouses, children, co-workers, parents.  We all hear of the worst of the people around us.  Let me tell you, this women was a wonderful Christian lady who wore her love for Christ on her shoulders and in her heart and she was not ashamed about it. 

I want to be a better person.  With time so short with my kids and parents, I want to be the strong Christian mom and daughter and wife that I should be....and it's darn hard!  Sometimes, like today, I just want to cry out to God, "Why am I here?  What should I be doing?  What's my earthly mission?"  But then I think of Job.  The man who was robbed of everything and still praised God.  That is what I want to do.  I want to "in all things, give praise." 

Pray for me as I continue this journey of just not knowing.  We all have a purpose and this week mine has wavered just a bit.  I am looking for the silver lining of this dark cloud....I know one is there. 

Blessings to you this week!


Monday, May 13, 2013

The Next Phase

Yesterday began a new phase for our family.  My daughter, Taylor, graduated from Central Baptist College.  This institution has been a part of her life for the last few years and we find ourselves at a stand still.  What to do next?  We have started planning her wedding, which will be next May 17.  She also has a "to do" list that she wants us to complete. 

For the first time in 20 years I only have 1 child in school.  What does that mean for me?  I'm not sure.  I think about the papers that I have helped with during the night, the phone calls when she has forgotten something and I ran it to her, the times we had lunch "quick, Mom, because I have to be in Bro. Raines class in 25 minutes", and the times I've had to go pay a fee right now because the deadline was yesterday.  The nights of prayer for her classes and professors, yes, I know my child and they needed it, are over for now...NOT.  Now I find myself praying for wisdom for a job, becoming a wife (that scares me a little), and especially for her to not turn away from church and God.  I was 23 once and I thought I was so smart and had all the answers...only to find out a little at a time that I wasn't and didn't. 

We think our job as a parent will fade as they become hasn't happened yet at my house.  I thank God that my kids still need me...even if it is to pay for gas or buy them a can opener.  The things I dreaded so much are beginning to happen and it is okay.  My roll has changed and their roll has changed.  I'm thinking I might like it. 

Sometimes I go to bed at 8 o'clock if I want to and I eat strawberry shortcake for dinner.  I read what I want and not have to hide the romance novel when the kids come in...sometimes I even watch whatever I want and not have to change the channel when I hear someone drive up...yep, this life is sounding pretty good right now.

For you who have young ones:

know that you are always their mom
they will always need you in some capacity
tell them daily you love them and how proud you are of them
when they are down or disappointed, raise them up and make them smile
kiss them every opportunity you have
know that one day they realize they aren't as smart as you
realize they don't learn from our mistakes
let them be their own person

Know that there's life after they start to grow up...and right now it's lookin' pretty good to this momma!

Happy thoughts are coming your way! 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Loving Your Kids

Today something is heavy on my heart...people loving their kids.

We have to love our children.  We are their parents and we HAVE to love them...ALL THE TIME!  Do they always make decisions we agree with?  NO.  Do they always say things we would?  NO.  They are looking at life through their eyes and with their experiences.  We are looking through our eyes,  with our eyes and experiences.  We can't just disagree and not love them or give them ultimatums.  Teens don't deal with we?  No, we don't like them either.  My kids aren't perfect...I'm not perfect and you aren't perfect, but yet our Heavenly Father loves us unconditionally.  And I am so grateful for helps me measure my love for my children when they make "not me" choices. 

I attended a meeting for work in Las Vegas one time and the speaker was a lady who had written a book, "Fierce Conversations."  She commented that every conversation we have with anyone is either a positive or negative experience.  This really convicted me with my children.  Sometimes as parents we are frustrated, running late or just tired and say things we shouldn't say to anyone, much less the people we love the most.  Our children listen to what we say (if you don't believe that, just listen to will hear your own words coming out of their mouths) and remember.  If it isn't positive, take a deep breath and then speak.  We want our children to have happy and positive memories.  Someone can say 10 nice things to me but when they say something unkind that is what I remember. 

When my son, Jordan, made an unpopular decision, we were talking about it and he said, "Mom, you're the only mom I have.  Don't you love me?"  WOW!  Out of the mouths of babes.  Of course we say we love them but the actions and words have to prove that to them.  We are their only parents and we only have so little time with them that our actions and words are so important. 

Love your children...when they cry, get angry and say something they shouldn't to you it's because you're their MOM.  You are the one who should love them unconditionally and everyday tell them and show them.  In the cold world we live in you are their strength and their example of love.  Let them be children, but LOVE THEM as Christ loves us.

Happy go give your kids a hug and a kiss.  It may be the only ones they get today.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

No Better!

Today I noticed a friend had this blog listed on hers.  I went to it thinking bellfamilyblessings sounds cool since my last name is Bell.  That's when I noticed that it was my blog.  OOPS!  I am going to put this on my calendar and see what God sends my way that I think others need. 

For now I have a daughter who will graduate from CBC on May 11 and then a dance recital the first weekend of June (yes, I tap dance) and then the summer begins.  My son, Jordan, moved out in January and it's hard him not being here but I am trying to cut the apron springs and let him be his own man.  Taylor is getting married May 17, 2014, which we have already planning for and the list goes on and on. 

I am going to blog...I know I can. It's just deciding what I need to type and what I need to keep to myself.  It will definitely be a journey. 

God bless you all!